News from Lori's Parents
16 July 1999
In this update:Urgent Bulletin -- Please help immediately!
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D - CA) has just offered the following Amendment to H.R. 2415, the State Department Authorization bill, that will come up for vote on the floor of Congress Monday, July 19th.
The Amendment is Section 703. A summary appears below; full text is on the web site.
Section 703 -- Amendment to H.R. 2415
"Sense of Congress Concerning Support for Democracy in Perú and the Release of Lori Berenson, An American Citizen Imprisoned in Perú"
It is the sense of Congress that:
- (1) the U.S. should increase its support to democracy and human rights activists in Perú;
- (2) the U.S. should complete the review of the Department of State investigation of threats to press freedom and judicial independence in Perú and publish the findings;
- (3) the U.S. should use all diplomatic efforts to secure the release of Lori Berenson; and
- (4) in deciding whether to provide economic and other forms of assistance to Perú, the U.S. should take into consideration the willingness of Perú to assist in the release of Lori Berenson.
Immediate call to action
Please call your own Congressional Representative immediately and urge support for Congresswoman Waters' Section 703 Amendment to H.R. 2415 regarding support for democracy in Perú and the release of U.S. citizen Lori Berenson.
If you call Washington D.C. (tel.: 202-225-3121), ask for your Congressional Representative. When you speak to the receptionist, ask for the Chief-of-Staff or the Legislative Aid dealing with foreign affairs or human rights. At last resort, leave a voice message.
If you call your local office, ask for the District Director, give your message, and ask the Director to notify the Washington office immediately.
Thanks for your help!