Writing to Lori
Thank you to everyone who wrote to Lori during her time in prison. It raised Lori's spirits to receive letters, postcards, and photos from her supporters during those difficult years.
Rules and Restrictions on Letters
The prison authorities required that letters respect certain rules.
- All letters were read by censors before Lori received them.
- All writing was encouraged to be in Spanish, so that the prison guards could read it easily
- Writing in English was acceptable but it would take longer to reach Lori as all mail was censored and there were few guards who were literate in English.
- Her case, anything political, nor any recent news item were to be discussed
Spanish Phrases
These are some Spanish phrases you may find useful in you letter to Lori.
- Querida Lori - Dear Lori
- Valor - Bravery
- Esperanza - Hope
- Buena suerte - Good luck
- Salud - Health
- Mis mejores deseos para ti - Best wishes
- Espero que estes gozando de buena salud - Wishing you good health
- Animo y buena suerte - Keep your spirits up
- Recibe mi sincera solidaridad - My sincere solidarity
- Te envio mis mas sinceros abrazos -I send you my warmest feelings
- Espero poder saludarte personalmente muy pronto - I very much hope to say hello to you personally
- Vaya con Dios - Go with God
- Me despido por el momento - Goodbye for now
- Atentamente - Sincerely yours