Amendment to H.R. 2415
Offered by Ms. Waters of California
Text of the Amendment
Page 84, after line 16, insert the following:
Sec. 708. Sense of Congress Concerning Support for Democracy in Peru and the Release of Lori Berenson, an American Citizen Imprisoned in Peru.
It is the sense of the Congress that --
(1) the United States should increase its support to democracy and human rights activists in Peru, providing assistance with the same intensity and decisiveness with which it supported the pro-democracy movements in Eastern Europe during the Cold War;
(2) the United States should complete the review of the Department of State investigation of threats to press freedom and judicial independence in Peru and publish the findings;
(3) the United States should use all available diplomatic efforts to secure the release of Lori Berenson, an American citizen who was accused of being a terrorist, denied the opportunity to defend herself of the charges, allowed no witnesses to speak in her defense, allowed no time to privately consult with her lawyer, and declared guilty by a hooded judge in a military court; and
(4) in deciding whether to provide economic and other forms of assistance to Peru, the United States should take into consideration the willingness of Peru to assist in the release of Lori Berenson.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 326
H R 2415 Recorded Vote 21-JUL-1999 3:44 PM
Author:Waters of California Amendment
Question:On Agreeing to the Amendment
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
14 |
204 |
1 |
2 |
174 |
30 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
189 |
234 |
5 |
5 |
Abercrombie |
Green (TX) |
Neal |
Allen |
Gutierrez |
Oberstar |
Andrews |
Hall (OH) |
Obey |
Baird |
Hastings (FL) |
Olver |
Baldacci |
Hilliard |
Ortiz |
Baldwin |
Hinchey |
Ose |
Becerra |
Hinojosa |
Owens |
Berkley |
Hobson |
Pallone |
Berman |
Hoeffel |
Pascrell |
Berry |
Holden |
Pastor |
Bishop |
Holt |
Payne |
Blagojevich |
Hooley |
Pelosi |
Blumenauer |
Horn |
Phelps |
Bonior |
Hoyer |
Pickett |
Borski |
Inslee |
Pomeroy |
Boswell |
Jackson (IL) |
Price (NC) |
Boucher |
Jackson-Lee (TX) |
Pryce (OH) |
Boyd |
Jefferson |
Rahall |
Brady (PA) |
Johnson (CT) |
Rangel |
Brown (FL) |
Johnson, E. B. |
Rivers |
Brown (OH) |
Jones (OH) |
Rodriguez |
Callahan |
Kaptur |
Rothman |
Campbell |
Kelly |
Roybal-Allard |
Capps |
Kildee |
Rush |
Capuano |
Kilpatrick |
Sabo |
Cardin |
Kleczka |
Salmon |
Carson |
Kucinich |
Sanchez |
Clay |
LaFalce |
Sanders |
Clayton |
Lampson |
Sandlin |
Clement |
Lantos |
Sawyer |
Clyburn |
Larson |
Scarborough |
Conyers |
Lee |
Schakowsky |
Costello |
Levin |
Scott |
Coyne |
Lewis (GA) |
Serrano |
Crowley |
Lipinski |
Sherman |
Cummings |
Lofgren |
Sherwood |
Danner |
Lowey |
Skelton |
Davis (FL) |
Lucas (KY) |
Slaughter |
Davis (IL) |
Luther |
Spratt |
DeFazio |
Maloney (CT) |
Stabenow |
DeGette |
Maloney (NY) |
Stark |
Delahunt |
Markey |
Strickland |
Deutsch |
Martinez |
Tanner |
Dicks |
Mascara |
Tauscher |
Dixon |
Matsui |
Thompson (CA) |
Doggett |
McCarthy (MO) |
Thompson (MS) |
Dooley |
McCarthy (NY) |
Thurman |
Doyle |
McGovern |
Tierney |
Edwards |
McIntyre |
Turner |
Engel |
McKinney |
Udall (CO) |
English |
McNulty |
Udall (NM) |
Eshoo |
Meehan |
Velazquez |
Etheridge |
Meek (FL) |
Vento |
Evans |
Meeks (NY) |
Waters |
Farr |
Millender-McDonald |
Watt (NC) |
Fattah |
Miller, George |
Waxman |
Filner |
Mink |
Weiner |
Ford |
Moakley |
Wexler |
Frost |
Moore |
Weygand |
Gejdenson |
Moran (VA) |
Whitfield |
Gephardt |
Morella |
Woolsey |
Gonzalez |
Nadler |
Wu |
Gordon |
Napolitano |
Wynn |
Ackerman |
Gilchrest |
Paul |
Aderholt |
Gillmor |
Pease |
Archer |
Gilman |
Peterson (MN) |
Armey |
Goode |
Petri |
Bachus |
Goodlatte |
Pickering |
Baker |
Goodling |
Pitts |
Ballenger |
Goss |
Pombo |
Barcia |
Graham |
Porter |
Barr |
Granger |
Portman |
Barrett (NE) |
Green (WI) |
Quinn |
Bartlett |
Greenwood |
Radanovich |
Barton |
Gutknecht |
Ramstad |
Bass |
Hall (TX) |
Regula |
Bateman |
Hansen |
Reynolds |
Bentsen |
Hastings (WA) |
Riley |
Bereuter |
Hayes |
Roemer |
Biggert |
Hayworth |
Rogan |
Bilbray |
Hefley |
Rogers |
Bilirakis |
Herger |
Rohrabacher |
Bliley |
Hill (MT) |
Ros-Lehtinen |
Blunt |
Hilleary |
Roukema |
Boehlert |
Hoekstra |
Royce |
Boehner |
Hostettler |
Ryan (WI) |
Bonilla |
Houghton |
Ryun (KS) |
Bono |
Hulshof |
Sanford |
Brady (TX) |
Hunter |
Saxton |
Bryant |
Hutchinson |
Schaffer |
Burr |
Hyde |
Sensenbrenner |
Burton |
Isakson |
Sessions |
Buyer |
Istook |
Shadegg |
Calvert |
Jenkins |
Shaw |
Camp |
John |
Shays |
Canady |
Johnson, Sam |
Shimkus |
Cannon |
Jones (NC) |
Shows |
Castle |
Kanjorski |
Shuster |
Chabot |
Kasich |
Simpson |
Chambliss |
Kind (WI) |
Sisisky |
Coble |
King (NY) |
Skeen |
Coburn |
Kingston |
Smith (MI) |
Collins |
Klink |
Smith (NJ) |
Combest |
Knollenberg |
Smith (TX) |
Condit |
Kolbe |
Smith (WA) |
Cook |
Kuykendall |
Souder |
Cooksey |
LaHood |
Spence |
Cox |
Largent |
Stearns |
Cramer |
Latham |
Stenholm |
Crane |
LaTourette |
Stump |
Cubin |
Lazio |
Stupak |
Cunningham |
Leach |
Sununu |
Davis (VA) |
Lewis (CA) |
Sweeney |
Deal |
Lewis (KY) |
Talent |
DeLauro |
Linder |
Tancredo |
DeLay |
LoBiondo |
Tauzin |
DeMint |
Lucas (OK) |
Taylor (MS) |
Diaz-Balart |
Manzullo |
Taylor (NC) |
Dickey |
McCollum |
Terry |
Dingell |
McCrery |
Thomas |
Doolittle |
McHugh |
Thornberry |
Dreier |
McInnis |
Thune |
Duncan |
McIntosh |
Tiahrt |
Dunn |
McKeon |
Toomey |
Ehlers |
Menendez |
Traficant |
Ehrlich |
Metcalf |
Upton |
Emerson |
Mica |
Visclosky |
Everett |
Miller (FL) |
Vitter |
Ewing |
Miller, Gary |
Walden |
Fletcher |
Minge |
Walsh |
Foley |
Mollohan |
Wamp |
Forbes |
Moran (KS) |
Watkins |
Fossella |
Murtha |
Watts (OK) |
Fowler |
Myrick |
Weldon (FL) |
Frank (MA) |
Nethercutt |
Weldon (PA) |
Franks (NJ) |
Ney |
Weller |
Frelinghuysen |
Northup |
Wicker |
Gallegly |
Norwood |
Wise |
Ganske |
Nussle |
Wolf |
Gekas |
Oxley |
Young (AK) |
Gibbons |
Packard |
Young (FL) |
Barrett (WI) |
Reyes |
Wilson |
Hill (IN) |
Snyder |
Chenoweth |
McDermott |
Towns |
Kennedy |
Peterson (PA) |