News from Lori's Parents

10 June 2004

In this update:

Lori's lawyers submit "Final Arguments" to San Jose Human Rights Court

On Monday June 7th the Inter-American Court of Human Rights acknowledged receipt of the "Final Arguments" in Lori's case that was presented by Lori's lawyers Ramsey Clark, Thomas H. Nooter, and Jose Luis Sandoval Quesada. "Final Arguments" were also sent by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, defending their lawsuit against Perú for failing to comply with its unanimous ruling in Lori's case in April 2002. We assume that the Peruvian government also sent its "Final Arguments" this past Monday.

The decision is now in the judges' hands. The Inter-American Court is scheduled to make its decision known in Lori's case later this year. The government of Perú has agreed to abide by the decision and President Bush has asked the Peruvian government for humanitarian considerations, regardless of what the Court decision is.

Berenson family says "Final Arguments" against Perú very compelling

The role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is to guarantee that the rights of individuals are respected under the American Convention on Human Rights. It is clear to us that the "Final Arguments" submitted by Lori's lawyers and by the Inter-American Commission demonstrate, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that in Lori's case there were numerous and severe violations to several articles enshrined in the American Convention. These failures of due process and fairness in Lori's civilian trial are so clear and compelling that it is impossible for the government of Perú to deny their occurrence if that State is acting in good faith to comply with the American Convention on Human Rights.

Please read the summary of the Articles of the American Convention on Human Rights that Perú has violated in Lori's case.

Articles about Lori appear in "Counter Punch"

Two recent articles about Lori appeared in the zine "Counter Punch" - one deals with a recent visit to Lori by long-time supporter Gary Handschumacher, the other is a review of the political and legals aspect of Lori's case by Abigail Jones of COHA.

Peter Yarrow offers his 'CD' to continue Lori's fundraising event

Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul, and Mary) who, with Terre Roche (of the Roche Sisters), recently donated their time and music talent to conduct a fundraising event, has now generously donated a CD in an effort to continue the fundraising for Lori. We are very grateful to Peter for his generosity and continued support. He has been a member of the Advisory Board of the Committee to Free Lori Berenson since its inception.

If you wish to obtain Peter's signed CD, performed with Richard Schroth and titled "Richard Schroth and Peter Yarrow," please send an $18 check to Laura M. Furst, National Organizer, The Committee to Free Lori Berenson, 110 Maryland Avenue, NW, Suite 112, Washington, DC 20002. The songs include "River of Jordan," "Puff the Magic Dragon," "Day is Done," "If I Had a Hammer," and "Blowin' in the Wind."

Advisory Board member David Dellinger dies at 88

It is with sadness that we report the passing of David Dellinger, an original member of the Advisory Board of the Committee to Free Lori Berenson. David was 88. A New York Times obituary on May 27 said of David Dellinger that his "commitment to nonviolent direct action against the federal government placed him at the forefront of American radical pacifism in the 20th century" and that "Mr. Dellinger emerged in the 1960's as the leading organizer of huge anti-war demonstrations."

We never met David Dellinger, although we did communicate by mail. We will be bringing Lori a copy of the obituary at our next visit. We will always remain grateful to him and to his wife Elizabeth for their support for Lori.

- Rhoda and Mark Berenson