Articles to the American Convention on Human Rights that were Violated by Perú in Lori Berenson's Case

The role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is to guarantee that the rights of individuals or groups of people are respected under the American Convention on Human Rights. The Final Arguments on the Merits and Reparations in the Lori Berenson Case that were submitted to the Inter-American Court by Lori's lawyers clearly demonstrate violations to the following articles enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights:

Article 5 - Right to humane treatment.

Article 7 - Right to personal liberty.

Article 8 - Right to a fair trial.

Article 9 - Freedom from ex post facto laws.

Article 11 - Right to privacy.

Moreover, Lori's lawyers argued that the government of Perú's failure to protect Lori's rights as shown above caused further violations to the following articles enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights:

Article 1 - Obligation of the State to respect rights.

Article 2 - Domestic legal effects.

In addition, Lori Berenson has always asserted she was imprisoned for her opinions and beliefs, due in part to her national origin, and all this has been used against her by the Fujimori-Montesinos propaganda campaign that twisted her words and defamed her through a corrupted media that influenced and contaminated public opinion. Having been imprisoned with little opportunity to read or hear these comments, Lori Berenson was unable to defend herself against these politically instigated slanderous and defamatory remarks. During her civilian trial she was repeatedly asked to denounce the MRTA and she was repeatedly urged to "confess and repent." Thus, Lori Berenson would also argue that Perú has violated the following articles enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights in her case:

Article 12 - Freedom of conscience and religion.

Article 13 - Freedom of thought and expression.

Article 14 - Right of reply.

Article 16 - Freedom of association.