Maloney Calls for Release of Lori Berenson

For Immediate Release
August 28, 2000
Minna R. Elias

In response to news that a Peruvian military tribunal has voided Lori Berenson's conviction of treason, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) issued the following statement:

Peru is finally moving in the right direction in Lori Berenson's case. At long last, they have acknowledged that her original conviction was an error. She was railroaded into prison with a show trial which lacked any semblance of due process. It was widely condemned by human rights organizations, including the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights, which called it arbitrary and capricious. I circulated a letter in the House this summer that was signed by 221 members of Congress, calling on President Clinton to seek Lori's release. Perhaps this is President Fujimori's response to our request.

Lori has suffered in prison under horrendous conditions for more than 4 1/2 years. She has spent more than enough time in prison. It's time for her to come home.