News from Lori's Parents

1 September 1999

This is day 1,372 of Lori's wrongful incarceration. She has completed three years and nine months in prison under horrendous conditions and the government of Perú continues its efforts to deny her justice by attempting to further stall the full and formal hearings that are to be scheduled at the Inter-American Human Rights Commission of the OAS.

In this update:

Three upcoming events: Save the dates

"What You Do: The Story of Lori Berenson"
A "canta storia" presented in the traditional street performance style of story telling with pictures and music, performed by Great Small Works (a NYC-based theatre collective)
Wednesday, September 8th
7 to 8 P.M.
Union Square Park at 14th Street, New York City
(come at 6 P.M. to hear the New York City Labor Chorus)

"The Berenson Family Discusses the Lori Berenson Case"
Thursday, September 23rd
7:30 to 9 P.M.
Congregation Shomrei Emunah
67 Park Street, Montclair, New Jersey

"Rally to Free Lori Berenson"
Sunday, October 10th
1 to 4:30 P.M.
Lafayette Park (in front of the White House) -- Washington, DC
(future updates will announce buses, vans, and carpools wherever such arrangements have been made).

- Rhoda and Mark Berenson