News from Lori's Parents
13 September 2000
In this update:
A Plea for Help!
On August 28, 2000, the Supreme Military Court of Perú nullified Lori's life sentence, admitting that she was not guilty of the charges against her. But rather than send her home, Perú has decided to retry her in a civilian court on similar charges. This means Lori will be subjected to a "show trial" in Perú, presided over by a Fujimori-appointed judge. And Fujimori has already declared that the new trial will result in at least a 20-year sentence for Lori!
Lori is facing a hostile, pro-government media in Perú that makes it very difficult -- if not impossible -- for anyone to hear Lori's side of the story. We have been waging a strong campaign in the United States to get the truth out, but this fight for Lori's freedom is extremely expensive.
Our family income and resources are becoming more and more limited. We have just hired a Peruvian lawyer to defend our daughter on a full-time basis over the next several months. We must also maintain a near-constant presence in Lima, to support Lori through her new judicial ordeal, and to keep working to get her story out to the press and public. To do this, we have to pay huge travel and communications expenses.
To sustain this fight to free Lori, we are asking friends of justice and fairness for your help. Please send what you can, as quickly as you can, so we can wage the fight of our lives to bring our daughter home.
Rhoda and Mark B.
Donate On-line
We are now able to accept donations made online using credit cards, through PayPal. If you are not yet a user of PayPal, your donation goes even further, as PayPal will give us $5 for each new user who signs up through our website.
For instructions on donating on-line, please visit our website, or go directly to:
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Committee to Free Lori Berenson
110 Maryland Avenue, NE #102
Washington, DC 20002
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