News from Lori's Parents

27 October 1997

In this update:

Urgent: Congress to Recess -- Last "Push" to Get Signatures for Lori

As reported in the press after Representative Maloney's recent visit, Lori's physical health is failing. The "Dear Colleague" letters urging Secretary of State Albright to take all necessary steps to assist Lori in getting immediate due process and justice in Perú will be circulating in the House and Senate until Congress recesses for the year during the first week in November. Thanks to your letters and calls and our lobbying in Washington, we now have 130 signatures in the House and 20 in the Senate.

In these final two weeks before the recess we need to double our efforts to ensure the maximum support for the "Dear Colleague" letters. The Peruvian government must be reminded of the words of its own President, Alberto Fujimori, who, one year ago stated that "a truly functioning democracy in Perú can only flourish with acts that express a legitimate willingness to put an end to injustice."

Urge our Congress to send this message to Perú through our State Department.

How to Help

We're focussing our efforts in the Senate. So far, twenty senators have signed on, fourteen Democrats

Boxer (CA), Daschle (SD), Dodd (CT), Durbin (IL), Feinstein (CA), Kennedy (MA), Landrieu (LA), Leahy (VT), Levin (MI), Lieberman (CT), Mikulski (MD), Moynihan (NY), Murray (WA), and Torricelli (NJ).

and six Republicans

Campbell (CO), Cochran (MS), D'Amato (NY), Imhofe (OK), Jeffords (VT), and Santorum (PA).

If either or both of your Senators have not signed, please call the Capitol at 1-800-522-6721 and ask for the Senator's office. Ask to speak with the Legislative Assistant dealing with Human Rights and Foreign Operations or leave a voice mail or message stating:

If your Senators have signed, please ask a friend or relative in a different state to make the call.

- Rhoda and Mark Berenson