News from Lori's Parents

7 December 1997

In this update:

Majority of the U.S. Senate Signs "Dear Colleague" Letter Supporting Due Process for Lori

Thanks to all your help, calls, letters, and emails to your Senators, we wish to report that on Friday, December 5th, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Democrat - New York) delivered the "Dear Colleague" letter signed by 52 members of the United States Senate to Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. The letter urges her to do all within her power to impress upon the Peruvian government the importance of providing an open trial in a civilian court for Lori. In addition, Senator Paul Coverdell, as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere and Peace Corp Affairs, wrote his own letter to Secretary Albright regarding Lori's case -- and we are indebted to him for that effort.

As with the letter from the House of Representatives which attained a near majority of Congressional signatures, we also have been told that this clear majority of 52 signatures represents one of the largest gathering of signers in the U.S. Senate for a "Dear Colleague" letter in recent memory. This once more demonstrates that the continued miscarriage of justice in the case of Lori Berenson will not be tolerated, that the issue will not "go away" and will continue to be an ever growing "thorn in the side" of Peruvian - U.S. relations. In August 1996, a "Dear Colleague" letter from the U.S. Senate attained 20 signatures. An alphabetical listing of the 52 signers to the current "Dear Colleague" letter is presented below.

We are very grateful to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan for agreeing to initiate and sponsor this "Dear Colleague" letter and, in particular, for the assistance and advice from members of his Washington D.C. staff -- Michael J. Lostumbo, Margaret Sloane, and Joshua A. Brook.

U. S. Senators Supporting Due Process for Lori

Here are the senators who signed the "Dear Colleague" letter. Please remember to thank them for their support in your next correspondence!

If you'd like to send a thank-you now, click on the highlighted names.

  1. Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (D-NY)
  2. Akaka, Daniel (D-HI)
  3. Baucus, Max (D-MT)
  4. Biden, Joseph, Jr. (D-DE)
  5. Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM)
  6. Boxer, Barbara (D-CA)
  7. Breaux, John (D-LA)
  8. Bumpers, Dale (D-AR)
  9. Burns, Conrad (R-MT)
  10. Campbell, Ben (R-CO)
  11. Chafee, John (R-RI)
  12. Coats, Daniel (R-IN)
  13. Cochran, Thad (R-MS)
  14. Coverdell, Paul (R-GA) sent his own letter to Sec. Albright.
  15. Craig, Larry (R-ID)
  16. D'Amato, Alfonse (R-NY)
  17. Daschle, Tom (D-SD)
  18. Dodd, Christopher (D-CT)
  19. Dorgan, Byron (D-ND)
  20. Durbin, Dick (D-IL)
  21. Feingold, Russell (D-WI)
  22. Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
  23. Ford, Wendell (D-KY)
  24. Glenn, John (D-OH)
  25. Grassley, Chuck (R-IA)
  26. Harkin, Tom (D-IA)
  27. Hatch, Orrin (R-UT)
  28. Inhofe, James (R-OK)
  29. Inouye, Daniel (D-HI)
  30. Jeffords, Jim (R-VT)
  31. Johnson, Tim (D-SD)
  32. Kennedy, Ted (D-MA)
  33. Kerrey, Bob (D-NB)
  34. Kerry, John (D-MA)
  35. Landrieu, Mary (D-LA)
  36. Lautenberg, Frank (D-NJ)
  37. Leahy, Patrick (D-VT)
  38. Levin, Carl (D-MI)
  39. Lieberman, Joseph (D-CT)
  40. Mikulski, Barbara (D-MD)
  41. Moseley-Braun, Carol (D-IL)
  42. Murray, Patty (D-WA)
  43. Reed, Jack (D-RI)
  44. Robb, Charles (D-VA)
  45. Rockefeller, John D., IV (D-WV)
  46. Roth, William V., Jr. (R-DE)
  47. Santorum, Rick (R-PA)
  48. Sarbanes, Paul (D-MD)
  49. Sessions, Jeff (R-AL)
  50. Specter, Arlen (R-PA)
  51. Torricelli, Robert (D-NJ)
  52. Wellstone, Paul (D-MN)
  53. Wyden, Ron (D-OR)

- Rhoda and Mark Berenson