News from Lori's Parents

20 June 2001

In this update:

Lori's second unjust conviction

Just now from Lori's parents in Lima, Lori got a second unjust conviction and a 20-year sentence. I asked them to prepare a message for us all tomorrow, but they are really busy today! They have asked that we continue to keep the whole family in our thoughts and prayers. Lori's statement and Mark and Rhoda's statements are on the web site. Continue to watch TV, read the papers, and listen to the radio: there is news everywhere of Lori and that's good! Tell everyone that the sentence is unjust, and we will still protest the Peruvian government to release her.

Please act now to secure Lori's release

Call your Member of Congress and ask them to sign on to the Dear Colleague letter:

Lori's Congresswoman, Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), along with Reps. Jim Leach (R-NY), Connie Morella (R-MD), and Maxine Waters (D-CA). They are asking that Members sign a letter to Peruvian President Paniagua asking for Lori's release.

Talking Points:

  1. Lori Berenson has already served over 5 1/2 years under extremely harsh conditions. She was unjustly sentenced in January 1996 by a special military court for terrorism in Peru, and on June 20 she was unjustly sentenced by a special civilian court for terrorism.
  2. She has repeatedly claimed her innocence, stating recently that, "I am innocent of all charges against me. Neither of my trials, in the civilian or military court, has proven me guilty of any crime." The original sentence was overturned for insufficient evidence, and using the same tainted evidence the prosecution has unjustly sentenced her again.
  3. Her trial was unfair because of due process violations, judicial bias and prejudgment (considered by the public, press, and judges to be guilty before evidence was presented), and the use of tainted and fabricated evidence.

She should be released. Please join your colleagues in sending a message to the Peruvian Government that Lori Berenson should be released immediately. Call Orly Isaacson in Cong. Maloney's office: 202-225-7944.

- Rhoda and Mark Berenson